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INContext 4(1)


Dear fellow researchers,

We are pleased to present the seventh issue of INContext: Studies in Translation and Interculturalism.

An international and interdisciplinary journal that showcases the latest groundbreaking research in language-related themes, INContext represents an intersection of translation and interpreting (T&I) and cultural studies.

Published on April 30, 2024, INContext 4(1) features two special articles that touch on a critical issue of the contemporary era: the emergence of AI. The first special article begins with the inception of the interpreting profession in Japan and eventually concludes with an argument in favor of the adoption of machine translation tools. The second article discusses the impact of AI-powered platforms on the Chinese educational landscape.

For T&I studies, we present two articles: a study that analyzes a rare case of transedited literature, and a study of interpreting students’ attempts at anticipation in simultaneous interpreting.

For cultural studies, we present three: a study of how mystics from both the East and West engaged in comparable methods of religious contemplation, a study of Taiwanese female directors contributions to the empowerment of women, and a study of the impact of Netflix on Korea’s OTT content market.

We hope you enjoy reading the innovative research presented in this issue, and as always, we are grateful for your continuing interest and support.

Editorial Board, INContext