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INContext 3(2)


Dear fellow researchers,

We are delighted to present the sixth issue of INContext: Studies in Translation and Interculturalism.

A unique international and interdisciplinary journal that continues to push outward the boundaries of language-related studies, INContext intersects the distinct yet inextricably linked disciplines of translation and interpreting (T&I) and cultural studies. 

Published on November 30, 2023, INContext 3(2) covers a broad range of topics even as it departs somewhat from its usual composition thanks to the increasing interest from cultural studies researchers. The special article for this issue examines a racist incident in an English language classroom and recommends a transdisciplinary approach—a customizable, actionable toolbox—to address socially acute questions in an academic context.

For this issue, we present two T&I articles: a study on the influence of accents on the perception of interpretation quality, and one on the tendency of interpreting research to lead inevitably to reputational risk for research participants.

For cultural studies, we present a total of four articles: a study on the status of English as a lingua franca, which recommends a double-pronged approach to achieving linguistic justice; a discussion of the rise and fall of Korean culture’s influence in China, which proposes the utilization of the concept “media memory”; an examination of Disney’s portrayal of indigenous groups; and a deep dive into British-Korean relations from the 1880s to 1920s, with a focus on notable individuals such as Isabella Bird and Ahn Changho as focal points of cross-cultural exchanges.

We hope you enjoy the spectrum of insightful research our Journal presents, and as always, we are grateful for your continuing interest and support.


Editorial Board, INContext