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Editor-in-Chief: Bio & CV

Cheong Ho-Jeong

  • Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea
  • Editor-in-Chief, INContext: Studies in Translation and Interculturalism
  • President, Korean Association for Public Translation and Interpretation (KAPTI)

Cheong Ho-Jeong is Professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), Republic of Korea. She received her PhD in Interpretation and Translation Studies in 2004, the first such degree conferred in Korea, on the topic of “Translated text expansion and contraction phenomena: A corpus-based study of quantitative target text changes as reflective of translator mediation.” Her master's degrees were in translation/interpretation (MA) and English writing education (M.Ed). Intending to marry research results with translation practice, she has coordinated many large-scale translation projects, including constructing the Korean government-funded project to build Korean-Foreign Language Learners' Dictionary in 11 languages and organized many translation policy fora with the National Assembly of Korea. She has been on the editorial board of the journal FORUM: International Journal of Interpretation and Translation since 2016.

Cheong is interested in the translator as the central actor in the process of translated text production and her interactions with other agents in the field, focusing on her decision-making processes and the involved parameters. She has worked on utilizing cognitive and sociological frameworks in comprehending and analyzing translations. She has authored three books, including Understanding Interpretation and Translation and A Model for the Standardization of Public-Sector Translation, and has edited two books on research methodologies in Translation Studies. She also has a keen interest in the topics of translation quality assessment (TQA) and translation criticism in the public sector as well as machine translation and post-editing.

Academic background

  • PhD (Translation Studies), Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation (GSIT), Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), Korea
  • M.Ed. (English Education), Missouri State University, United States
  • MA (English-Korean Translation and Interpretation), GSIT, HUFS, Korea





Aug. 2022 - Dec. 2022

NIA Project for Building AI Learning Data (2-10: Spoken Language Data for Multilingual Translation and Interpretation) (Leader)

National Information Society Agency (NIA)

Dec. 2014 - Aug. 2015

Translation of Names for Korean Government Organizations into English (Advisor)

Ministry of Public Administration and Security

Feb. 2014

National Assembly Library Overseas Materials Translation Project (Evaluation Committee Member)

National Assembly Library

Feb. 2014

National Assembly Library Foreign Law Translation Project (Evaluation Committee Member)

National Assembly Library

Nov. 2012

Establishment of Evaluation Standards for the Necessity of Government Intervention in Public Translation, the Role of the Government, and the Standardization and Activation of Translation Terminology (Advisor)

National Institute of Korean Language

Aug. 2011

Korea Culture and Tourism Institute Translation Project (Evaluation Committee Member)

Korea Culture and Tourism Institute

Mar. 2009

English Editing and Evaluation of Gyeongbokgung Palace Guide Comic Book

Cultural Heritage Administration

May 2008

Evaluation of the Korean Studies Planning Research Project Group's Translation Project (Judge)

Academy of Korean Studies

Aug. 2007

Evaluation of the Selection of Protocol Interpreters for the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea (Judge)

National Assembly of the Republic of Korea


Cheong, H.-J., & Lim, H.-K. (2024). Relay translation as collaboration: A case study of how multilingual subtitling for global streaming services showcases a new mode of collaborative translation. INContext: Studies in Translation and Interculturalism, 4(2), 102–135.

Cheong, H.-J., & Song, E. (2023). 국내 문학번역과 문학번역비평 연구의 위상 - 2002~2022년 국내외 연구동향 메타 분석 [Enthusiastic overseas reception of translated Korean literature and less-than-enthusiastic local research: Focus on literary translation]. Interpreting and Translation Studies, 27(1), 109-139.

Cheong, H.-J., Lim, H.-K., & Jeon, M.-C. (2021). “Changes in Korea’s outbound literary translation: Who, how, and why?”: A focus group discussion centered around a revised sociological model. INContext: Studies in Translation and Interculturalism, 1(1), 6–36.

Cheong, H.-J., & Park, J.-S. (2018). 통번역학 연구 대상으로서의 통번역정책 - ‘번역청’ 설립 및 통역사 인증제 도입정책연구에 대한 메타 분석 [Interpreting and translation policy research as legitimate and necessary realm of research in Translation Studies]. Interpretation and Translation, 20(3), 105-140.

Cheong, H.-J. (2016). 번역과정에 있어서의 번역브리프와 번역결정 - 다국어사전 구축 번역에 대한 사례연구 [Roles of translation briefs and translation decision - making: A case study of constructing a multilingual learners’ Korean dictionary]. Interpretation and Translation, 18(3), 235-259.

Cheong, H.-J. (2015). 공공번역 단일전문전담기구의 필요성- 중단기 정책 수립을 위한 현황과 당면과제 [A policy task of launching a governmental control tower responsible for public sector translation: Focusing on short-term and longer-term policy considerations]. Interpretation and Translation, 17(2), 51-79.

Cheong, H.-J. (2013). 공공번역 수급 및 수준 관리 시스템 연구 - 유럽연합 3대 번역전문기관을 중심으로 [A study of overseas advanced models of public sector translation quality control]. Interpretation and Translation, 15(2), 215-248.

Cheong, H.-J. (2013). 번역학 전문학술지의 발달과 최근 연구 동향 — 1999년 이후 국내외 대표 학술지 분석 [Evolution of and research trends in academic journals in Translation Studies: A meta-analysis of research efforts published in and out of Korea since 1999]. Interpretation and Translation, 15(1), 235-256.

Cheong, H.-J. (2012). 문학번역의 수용과 평가 -신경숙의 『엄마를 부탁해』 영역본을 중심으로 [Acceptance and assessment of a translation of a literary work: With a focus on the case of Please Look After Mom]. Interpretation and Translation, 14(2), 255-281.

Cheong, H.-J. (2011). 영어구사력 교육도구로서의 통역·번역 [Interpretation/translation as a pedagogical instrument in foreign language teaching]. Interpretation and Translation, 13(2), 187-201.

Cheong, H.-J. (2010). 번역과 전문용어학, 전문용어학과 번역학 [Translation and terminology, terminology and translation studies]. Interpretation and Translation, 12(2), 235-255.

Cheong, H.-J. (2010). Translation revision student workshop as an effective translation education tool: A case study of revising a cultural comic book. Journal of British and America Studies, 23, 73-105.

Cheong, H.-J. (2010). 영한번역시 관사 처리 능력을 중심으로 한 번역능력 교육의 문제점 [The current state of translation education: A call for translation competence enhancement, with a focus on translation trainees' ability to render English noun phrases with determiners]. The Journal of Interpretation and Translation Education, 8(1), 71-89.

Cheong, H.-J. (2009). 문화 번역 평가 및 감수 기준으로서의 스코포스 이론의 효용 - 서울특별시 제작 만화가이드북『경복궁』영문번역판을 중심으로 [The application of the Skopos Theory to the evaluation and revision of cultural translations: The case of a translated comic book Kongbokgung Palace: An Animation Guide Book]. Interpretation and Translation, 11(1), 181-207.

Cheong, H.-J. (2009). 공공분야 문화텍스트 번역물 수준 평가 현황 및 문제점 - 번역독자의 위상과 텍스트 기(旣 )수용성을 중심으로 [The whereabouts of public sector cultural translation in Korea: A study of target readership consideration and text reception status]. The Journal of Interpretation and Translation Education, 7(1), 223-243.

Cheong, H.-J. (2008). 번역된 문화텍스트의 정보성 등가와 로마자 표기 방식의 문제점 [Informative equivalence and appropriateness of the existing romanization practices in translations of cultural texts]. Interpretation and Translation, 10(1), 161-189.

Cheong, H.-J. (2007). 동일한 언어로 말하기- 번역학 연구를 위한 용어 통일의 시급성 [Speaking the same language: Raising the urgent need to standardize the use of terms in Translation Studies]. Interpretation and Translation, 9(1), 173-203.

Cheong, H.-J. (2007). Translation error analysis and translation criticism in Korea. FORUM, 5(1), 45-63.

Cheong, H.-J. (2006). Target text contraction in English-into-Korean translations: A contradiction of presumed translation universals? Meta, 51(2), 343-367.

Cheong, H.-J. (2005). Reading for translation: A non-part of “translation-specific processes”? FORUM, 3(1), 37-66.

Cheong, H.-J. (2004). Book review: Olohan, M.(2004). Introducing Corpora in Translation Studies. London & New York: Routledge. pp. 220. Interpretation and Translation, 6(2), 225-230.

Cheong, H.-J. (2004). 동일한 번역언어, 다른 우선순위? [Identical translating languages with different intervening factors]. Interpretation and Translation, 6(1), 201-216.

Cheong, H.-J. (2004). 번역사의 텍스트 읽기 [The reading process of the translator: A case study of a seasoned translator]. The Journal of Interpretation and Translation Education, 2(1), 121-136.

Cheong, H.-J. (2003). 코퍼스 중심의 번역학 연구 [A corpus-based approach to Translation Studies]. The Journal of Translation Studies, 4(2), 71-88.

Cheong, H.-J.. (2003). B언어로의 번역과 코퍼스를 이용한 교육방법 [A corpus-based approach to LB translation education]. The Journal of Interpretation and Translation Education, 1, 53-70.

Cheong, H.-J. (2003). Target text expansion: An empirical study. FORUM, 1(1), 181-203.

Cheong, H.-J.. (2002). 번역 텍스트의 양적 확장 효과 [The expansion effect of translated text]. Interpretation and Translation, 4(1), 167-189.

Cheong, H.-J. (2001). 공손어법의 언어문화특수성과 번역 [The language- and culture-specificity of linguistic politeness and translation]. Interpreting and Translation Studies, 5, 169-192.

Cheong, H.-J. (2001). 번역학에 있어서의 통합모델-해석이론을 중심으로 [Integrated model in Translation Studies: Focusing on the Interpretative Theory of Translation]. Interpretation and Translation, 3, 243-266.

Cheong, H.-J. (2001). How to bridge lexical gaps as reflective of different categorization systems. The Journal of Translation Studies, 2(2), 187-221.

Cheong, H.-J. (2000). The implications of frame semantics for translation. Interpretation and Translation, 2, 151-172.

Cheong, H.-J. (2000). Book review: Baker, Mona. (Ed.). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London & New York, NY: Routledge, 1998, pp. 654. Interpretation and Translation, 2, 215-220.

Cheong, H.-J. (1999). 언어구조적 차이와 번역 [Differences in language structure and translation]. Interpreting and Translation Studies, 3, 127-147.


Cheong, H.-J., & Lim, H.-K. (2023). Theoretical Constituents of Interpreting Research in Korea: A meta-analysis of research publications from 1998 to 2022. In Moratto, R. & Lim, H.-O. (Eds), The Routledge Handbook of Korean Interpreting (pp. 99-111). Routledge.

Cheong, H.-J., & Lim, H.-K. (2013). 공공번역 표준화의 모델: 한국형 모델 개발을 위한 해외 선진사례 연구 [Public translation standardization model: A study of overseas advanced cases for Korean model development]. Hangukmunhwasa.

Cheong, H.-J. (Ed.). (2013). 통번역학 연구 현황과 향후 전망 [Current status and future prospects of Translation and Interpreting Studies] (Vol. 1). Hangukmunhwasa.

Cheong, H.-J. (2007). (제대로 된) 통역·번역의 이해 [A (proper) understanding of translation and interpreting]. Hangukmunhwasa.